nexo successfully audited by Bureau Veritas

To make sure we provide quality service we have adopted an international management system ISO9001:2015. We are proud to announce on 10th of May 2017 we have been successfully audited by Bureau Veritas and have maintained this standard ever since.

nexo joined community

We want to be able to search and track tonnage accurately and have decided to subscribe to, a platform that provides us with modern tools enabling us to give a better service to our customers.

nexo professionally insured by ITIC

Trading is all about limiting your risks, whether you trade commodities or assets. Our clients demand good service and we want to be able to provide that with confidence, however we are only humans and we also want to limit our risk and have therefor decided to sign up with ITIC professional indemnity insurance.

The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd (FOSFA)

To keep up with the industry and it’s developments we became member of FOSFA in 2015.

Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association (NOFOTA)

With our Dutch roots it’s only natural to subscribe to NOFOTA membership so we can keep up with local and international developments.